20060615 One Big Problem

You have problems. I have problems. We all have problems. Some big, some small. For me it seems that while I may have multiple problems, one of them always looms foremost in my mind, depressing others into subordination in the battle for my attention. This problem may at times keep me awake at night, but I do have a talent attributed to males, that of compartmentalization. I keep the problems contained, stacked up like so many tart candies in a Pez dispenser. Tilt back my Mickey Mouse mind and that one big problem springs up in my conscience.
Eventually, one way or another, that one big problem dissolves on my tongue and its piquant disappearance puckers me with satisfaction (not difficult for an anal person). Problem is, the next problem in the stack has popped up to become my one big problem.
You have problems. I have problems. At least I know mine are orderly. I take comfort in that.
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